9th NCO Results,9th nco Result 2009 at sofworld.org, 9TH NATIONAL CYBER OLYPIAD RESULT 9th NCO Results,9th nco Result 2009 at sofworld.org, 9TH NATION

9th NCO Results at www.sofworld.org
9th nco Result 2009 at www.sofworld.org

SCIENCE OLYMPIAD FOUNDATION (SOF) is a registered not-for-profit organization popularising science, mathematics and computer education among school children. SOF is a registered not-for-profit organization popularizing science, mathematics and computer education among school children.
The NCO is a mean of promoting awareness about computers and computer education. The examination paper consists of three sections, with a total of 50 questions.
Few month ago on 10th September 2009 the SOF took the the 9th NCO exams 2009. Now SOF has declared the 9th NCO Results 2009.Student can find their 9th NCO Results 2009 from the website ofSOF. and also SOF has declared to take the 12th National Science Olympiad -NSO will be conducted on 19th November 2009, NSO E-Quiz is online, you take the NSO Online quize. check your 9th NCO Result 2009 from the below list of sites.

Benefits from NCO:
  • Promotes awareness about computers and computer education.
  • Develops confidence among students to take an early lead in a computer-oriented world.
  • Supplements the learning of subjects of state boards and national boards including CBSE, ICSE and NIOS.
  • Enables students to understand the latest technologies in a fast changing world of computers.
  • Makes the school/institution aware of the concept of SMART school of Ministry of Human Resource Development, where the emphasis is not only on imparting IT education but also on development and use of computer skills which are indispensable in the present millennium.
  • A comprehensive CQ (Computer Quotient) report highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the participant.
  • A comprehensive SCQ (School Computer Quotient) report highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the participant school vis-à-vis national / international performance to enable the schools to improve the quality and level of IT education at their end.

The Report contains the details of student performance.
  1. Score
  2. Percentile Score
  3. School Rank
  4. City Rank
  5. State Rank
  6. All India Rank
  7. Topicwise strength / weakness analysis
currently http://sof.co.in/ NCO site is down so that you might not get your 9th NCO result. please revisit my blog I will update it after few time. So if you are not getting your NCO Results 2009 please keep patiences. NCO Result site will be up soon.

Click below to Goto the NCO Results 2009 page:

9th NCO Results 2009
NCO Exam Books 2009
SOF - NCO Results 2009

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